Friday, July 23, 2010

Immanuel’s House is an ecumenical church community in action. We strive to bring justice and peace on earth, responding to God’s call to love our neighbor and care for Creation. We seek to live and learn by justice and peace, acting with kindness and mercy, and walking humbly with our Lord.

Who do we serve?

We serve individuals and families facing economic, social, and spiritual instability.

How do we Serve?

Immanuel's Table...the community gathers for a relaxed ecumenical worship service and meal every Monday night at 5:30 p.m. Youth activities follow worship service and meal. Immanuel's Table clinic host Free Clinic Night Every 3rd Monday of the month.

Hospitality… we seek to extend a welcoming hand to those who are struggling by providing a cup of coffee and a newspaper. We hope to be able to provide those who have no home the opportunity to shower and shave with dignity and in privacy as well as laundry service.

Food for the Soul (Community Garden)...we would like to provide basic nutritious food grown from our community garden, and offer it on a daily basis for folks. Individuals and families would be encouraged to have their own garden row.

Clothes Network...coordinating with already existing church clothes closets to provide immediate clothing for those coming out of the cold.

Education…for nutrition, financial, employment, computer, etc. We are teaming up with other organizations that will provide these services.

Shelter to families… At present in Martinsburg there are no shelters that will accommodate both genders, therefore families are divided if they need to seek shelter in the existing programs.

Transportation…to access services provided by other agencies.

Jail and Prison Ministry...providing love, support, and guidance to men and women in our regional jail and to their families.

Community and support network…in connection with local non-profit, government agencies and churches, we will use the resources each of us have to address the needs of the individuals and families.

Through these services we hope to address the immediate need as well as to guide and assist the individuals and families to wholeness. It is crucial that the community we serve becomes the community that serves.

What we need:

We are in need of a building where we can provide a place for people to come for hospitality and resources. We would like to have space for a clothing closet, a kitchen approved for feeding our guests and teaching individuals basic cooking skills, rooms available for families who are in need of transitional housing and grounds space for community garden. We also need multi use space for daytime hospitality and room to provide classes and programming that will lead to self sustainability.

We are multi-denominational and eager to reach out to people of all creeds, nationalities and cultures. Our desire is to proclaim our faith through action. We offer spiritual care and worship opportunities, but our services will be extended without expectation of participation in said programs.

Contact us!

Phone: 304-596-1155


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Serve with us!

At this time we do not have permanent location, but the ministry lives on. There are many ways that you can serve with us now!

- Immanuel's Table
- Jail & Prison Ministry
- Suds & Bubbles Laundry Program
- Transportation assistance
- Food for the Soul (Community Garden Ministry)

- Financial support for Birth Certificate and ID assistance
- Fundraising Opportunities